Crisis Communications

Crisis Communications (definition) — (1) The discipline of disseminating facts and concern amid extreme circumstances. (2) The practice of preparing and sharing factual information and relevant updates under pressure. (see also “crisis” planning): The creation, preferably in advance, of a plan about how to communicate effectively if or when a crisis occurs.

Crises can happen to the even the best managed companies. Yet many organizations are caught flat-footed when trouble strikes (the worst recent example being Boeing’s incredible failure to respond forthrightly about problems with its Max8 controls suspected in the crashes of two airplanes and the loss of 200 lives). I have years of crisis communications experience for major retailers, trade groups, government agencies, manufacturers and social service providers. I’ve helped them dispel rumors, issue timely and factual news releases, and prepare statements for their senior management that exuded confidence — and concern. Crisis communications is all about being prepared, and that’s what I’m prepared to do for you.