Global PR Earns a Global Black Eye

The New York Times recently devoted a lengthy article to the rise and fall of a London-based public relations agency that for all intents sold its soul. Wait a minute! Isn’t that what PR does every day, sell its soul? Certainly, that’s been the reputation of public relations — it will serve any client or […]


Taming the Wild West (Part Two)

In Part One of this blog, I wrote about how individuals who browse the Internet can become wary, skeptical content consumers. They can become personal editors, better able to identify and avoid content that is really propaganda and falsehood masquerading as reliable information. Of course, that would still leaves us facing the brutal fact that […]


Taming the Wild, Wild West (Part One)

The Internet has given us unparalleled access to information. Yet it is failing to offer reasonable protections to enable users a reliable way to distinguish truth and facts from lies and disinformation. The online world, in terms of content, is like the wild, wild West, unfenced, unrestrained and unfettered. But that’s the price of freedom, […]


Government Leaks in Pursuit of Trump

Donald Trump’s  apparent flirtation with all things Russian has put him squarely in the sights of the mainstream media, which is pursuing government leaks with almost righteous vengeance. Right now, the Trump team is under siege by a press corps that is acting like a slumbering attack dog that was suddenly kicked into action. Its […]
